Cooling levels in offices

Ideal cooling levels in the office
The arrival of summer causes the temperature in the office to increase considerably. Controlling this aspect is a key factor for environmental comfort.
The comfort temperature in the office is one of the pillars in ergonomics in preventing occupational risks. According to INSHT recommendations , this condition should range between 23º and 27ºC in summer and between 17ºC and 24ºC in winter, also taking into account factors such as the degree of humidity and ventilation.
Why is it important to correctly regulate the office temperature?
As temperature increases , productivity decreases . During the day, metabolic heat, the intensity of tasks, humidity, air speed or clothing cause workers' thermal sensation to increase, generating thermal stress if there is not good air conditioning in the space. This undoubtedly reduces the comfort and performance of employees, generating the following effects on their work performance:
Reduced attention and concentration capacity
Decreased perception and memory capacity
Irritability and general malaise
Alterations in the vascular system
Dizziness and vertigo
Thermal comfort should reach the maximum point of comfort as far as possible. That is why good cooling is essential to control all this during the hottest times .
What temperature levels are recommended?
Ideal temperature according to INSHT. It should be between 17 and 27 ºC in sedentary work and between 14 and 24 ºC in work that requires more physical activity. Furthermore, to achieve a higher degree of thermal comfort, the degree of humidity and air circulation must be taken into account.
Ideal temperature according to RITE. The operating temperature in summer must be between 23 ºC and 25 ºC and in winter between 21 ºC and 23 ºC . Furthermore, the relative humidity should be between 45 - 60% in summer and between 40 - 50% in winter . The air speed must be less than 0.2 meters per second .
Portable Air Conditioners as an autonomous cooling solution
Portable air conditioners are autonomous systems that do not require any permanent installation , allowing the equipment to be moved throughout the office comfortably thanks to its wheels. An excellent alternative if you are looking to cool the hot air in your work rooms and do not want to carry out any type of work that could affect the entire installation or hinder the work. In addition, its maintenance is simple, you simply have to clean the air conditioning filters frequently (these are the ones that prevent the reproduction of bacteria and bad odors).
At Charmex SA we have the Trau Clima range, with the following ACP models