Heat pumps: A solution to heat your pool throughout the year

Heat pumps: A solution to heat your pool throughout the year
Pool heat pumps have become one of the most popular solutions for heating water. In this article, discover how they work and aspects you should take into account when informing yourself about this solution.
What are pool heat pumps?
Heat pumps for swimming pools are thermodynamic devices that collect heat from the air and transmit it to the pool water through a circuit. These equipment are used to condition the water in facilities such as swimming pools , gyms , spas or even spas .
Thanks to a heat pump we can keep the water at the ideal temperature to enjoy a bath all year round .
How does a heat pump work?
Through the built-in evaporator, the air outside is collected to transfer it to the pool water to increase its temperature. Within the circuit, 80% of the energy comes from the air, and only 20% from the electricity source.
Heat pumps are also an easy-to-install system , with a simple electrical and hydraulic connection, in pools under construction or existing pools.
To give us an idea, this would be the operating circuit of a pool heat pump:

How to choose the ideal heat pump for my pool?
- We must take into account the size of the pool where we are going to install the pump
- The geographical area is a determining factor to take into account
- The wind in the area if the pool is outside.
- If it is buried or elevated or there is an uneven ground
- What dates do we want to use it for?
- If we want not only to heat the water, but also to cool it
These aspects will help us adjust the needs of the pool and be able to correctly choose the heat pump for an efficient installation.
Do you want more information? Click here to discover our range of pool heat pumps
Basic characteristics that we should know about a heat pump
Heat pump power
The power is what allows us to heat the pool water and is indicated in kW.
To know how much power we need for our installation, we must multiply the cubic meters of our space by 0.3. In this way we can get an idea of the required kW in an indicative way.
We must also take into account the temperature and location of the pool in addition to the wind. These elements are factors that, if a wrong calculation is made, can cause a loss of heat generated by the pump.
COP: Coefficient of performance
The COP or Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump indicates the ratio between the heat or cold provided to the pool and the energy consumed.
The higher the COP, the greater the energy efficiency within the facility.
Reversible function
Thanks to the inverter technology installed inside the heat pumps, the reversible function allows us to heat and also cool the pool water.
This function can be of great help in areas of extreme heat where the water temperature is very high and we want to cool the area for an ideal bath.
Heat pumps can have a high noise level, so the loudness of the equipment is another determining factor.
In most equipment, 2 measurements are specified, one attached to the machine and another 10 m away.
Recommendations for installing a heat pump for your pool
If you already have your heat pump and are going to install it, at Charmex SA we give you different recommendations for a better installation.
- The heat pump must be installed with the silent blocks provided.
- The maximum installation distance between the heat pump and the pool must be 15 m.
- The total round trip length of the hydraulic pipes must be 30 m.
- Surface hydraulic pipes must be insulated and buried.
- If automatic chemical dispensers or salt chlorinators are used, they must always be installed after the heat pump.
- The installation distance of the pump will always be outside and must always respect these measurements.