Humidity level in an office

What is the recommended humidity level in an office?
The offices have air conditioners running during the summer to control high temperatures. This causes the environment to be dry, which can affect the health of workers and reduce their productivity and thermal comfort.
Humidity is the maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold at specific temperatures. This factor at very low or high levels can be harmful to the worker's health, so it is recommended to maintain a recommended level.
This can be achieved with the use of humidification or dehumidification equipment, which raises water vapor into the air or extracts it to create a more comfortable environment to work in.
How does humidity affect work spaces?
When the level of humidity is not adequate in these environments, it can cause the appearance of mites, fungi and bacteria due to their excess in the environment.
Furthermore, working with high levels increases the risk of respiratory diseases such as allergies or asthma, bone pain such as arthritis or rheumatism, and the appearance of dermatological pathologies and even skin rashes.
Humidity can appear in any work area due to factors such as poor ventilation or an inadequate insulation system. It is important that once the first symptoms appear, action is taken as soon as possible.
What values must be taken into account for good humidification?
Within Royal Decree 486/1997 that regulates the minimum safety and health provisions at work, in its Annex III, temperature conditions in closed work spaces are regulated.
These spaces are required to comply with “avoiding extreme temperatures and humidity, sudden changes in temperature, annoying drafts, unpleasant odors, excessive irradiation and, in particular, solar radiation through windows, lights or glazed partitions.”
To have good air conditioning inside the office, the following factors must be taken into account:
Extreme temperatures and humidity
Sudden thermal changes
Annoying drafts
Unpleasant odors
Excessive irradiation.
The relative humidity level should be between 35 or 40%, up to 50%. In spaces where there are risks due to static electricity, the lower limit will be 50%.
What we recommend to regulate your humidity levels in the office
At Charmex SA we have the following humidification technology to install in offices.
It is important to take into account two essential factors to be able to install the appropriate humidification product:
The environmental conditions of the office where we will have to consider the ambient temperature within the space, the current humidity percentage and the humidity level we want to reach.
The layout of the space (height, square meters and number of personnel and equipment used within the office).
Don't know if your office is properly humidified? Our technical support helps you!
For large offices
For small offices
If our office is less than 70 square meters, Slimfog ultrasonic humidifiers are easy to install. They incorporate a mechanical humidity controller at the bottom, which makes this equipment the best solution for humidifying small spaces.
If we want more power, the CX-UH series is the industrial range that allows the production of humidity through ducts.